This keeps getting weirder. My previous crash, that led me to post here was on July 4. Now, one week later, it crashed again with exactly the same symptoms. This time, however, there was no kernel panic log entry at all. Nothing.

More disturbingly, check out this from the system logs. Here's what it's supposed to look like when you put the machine to sleep:

Jul 9 22:32:11 DapperMac mach_kernel: AppleNMI mask NMI
Jul 9 22:32:11 DapperMac configd[112]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfigur
Jul 9 22:32:13 DapperMac mach_kernel: System Sleep
Jul 10 07:42:49 DapperMac mach_kernel: System Wake
Jul 10 07:42:49 DapperMac mach_kernel: Wake event 0020
Jul 10 07:42:49 DapperMac mach_kernel: enableClockSpreading returned with 0
Jul 10 07:42:49 DapperMac mach_kernel: AppleNMI unmask NMI
Jul 10 07:42:49 DapperMac mach_kernel: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up
at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex

Now, here's what I see before the crash:

Jul 10 07:49:06 DapperMac mach_kernel: AppleNMI mask NMI
Jul 11 10:21:58 DapperMac syslogd: restart
Jul 11 10:21:58 DapperMac mach_kernel: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
Jul 11 10:21:58 DapperMac mach_kernel: vm_page_bootstrap: 124948 free pages

So, it looks like the machine never went to sleep "properly", causing it to freak out when it woke back up again. Further disturbing is this:

Jul 11 10:22:15 DapperMac SystemStarter: Waiting for local disks
Jul 11 10:22:48 DapperMac last message repeated 11 times
Jul 11 10:24:51 DapperMac last message repeated 41 times
Jul 11 10:28:21 DapperMac last message repeated 70 times
Jul 11 10:28:22 DapperMac /sbin/autodiskmount[186]: Mounted ufs /dev/disk0s2 ...

What's going on when it's waiting for the disks? Was it fsck'ing? I grepped through all my prior system logs, going back to the beginning, and I never saw this message before. Very disturbing.