I know around here at UC Berkeley there's quite an undergeround market for rittalin and other similar drugs. Many people view them as a study aid. I suspect it's the same at any other competitive university.

I know exactly the feeling that you're talking about though. I can know I have a test in a week, and carefully count down the days as it grows closer, but I can't make myself study for it until it's the next day. I've always procrastinated, so this is nothing different. I've tried plenty of things, but never managed to actually change my study habbits. One of the things that I have learned is that if I really want to get reading done, I leave and do it in a coffee shop or library. Also, dividing things up into tiny fractions and taking short breaks in between. If I've got a problem set with ten problems to do, I'll read an article in the campus paper in between each one to take a break. Really though, when it comes down to it, the clock is the only thing that really motivates me.

I won't go into my skepticism about herbal remedys, but I personally don't put any faith in any of them.
