"As was alluded to, it can't be done for less than the price of an SUV if you want it to be contained within the empeg. Buying a tiny pc with video out and having it run VNC to the empeg would be much cheaper, but would take up more room and take a bit more time to boot up. "

As for this statement I would gladly Pay 500-1000 to get this done Plug parts I don't really care if it fits inside the empeg or not.

HUmmm if I had a Empeg with a broken Screen and NO sled I could use VNC and get the video out from this
or one of the other Micro_pc I have seen.

Kind of defeats the purpose Maybe the best laid Plans of Mice and Men can not full in my order.. its just too spendy to add video out to a empeg and if you are going to the trouble of installing a PC you might as well just use the PC in the first Place.

Which Brings us to my next questions anyone got a (shivers at the thoought) a Empeg Like software that runs on MS platform or Redhat Suse I think everyone will agree the empge Player software is much better then Musicmatch or Winamp for ease of use.

Edited by belezeebub (06/10/2003 17:41)
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