SO are you saying for around 500 Ish plus parts I could have a remote face and remote buttons on an empeg ??

I was talking about the parts for someone to make it themselves, but if you're interested in me building a complete solution you can essentially drop in, you should email me and we'll work something out.. The money you're talking sounds reasonable to me for that kind of development.

Keep in mind the empeg would be mounted under the passanger side seat and the wires would have to reach 6 to 8 feet (with routing) for the display and controlls?

My Empeg is in my trunk (see the pics if you're interested).. the only thing connecting it to the display/controller is a long (maybe 12 foot, it's a small car) serial cable. The controller board gets it's power from the console area in my case.

Would the remote display be fast enough to switch songs and see play lists ???

With my current software it averages about 3 frames/second on my display, which is the slowest speed of any of the display choices. There's no problem using menus or text info modes. With better drawing methods I'm slowly working on the speed can be significantly improved and some visuals might work well too. Some of the faster displays can do 25+fps even with the current unoptimized software.

One thing you may not have seen (it's buried in the other thread in a couple places) is that these displays are 1-bit, each pixel is fully on or off. The Empeg display is 2 bit: fully on, dim, dimmer, and off. So the display doesn't look quite as pretty, but it's still perfectly usable.