If you can get it to the scrapyard they might give you some money for it, but if it's a common model (and old) probably not. If you take the wheels away you might have better luck because they are the most expensive part to scrap.

If you can't get it to a scrappy you will definately have to pay them to take it away.

If you scrap the car there is a special bit on the V5 (old and new versions) to fill in - the scrapyard will take the V5 and you send off the small bit.

You can cancel the insurance and get a refund, but if there's less than 3 months remaining you probably won't get anything. Either way you should tell them that it has been scrapped. You can also "cash in" the tax, but since we are at the start of the month there's no benefit doing it any time soon.

Oh, I don't know a lot about engines but I think the "big end" is the lower, larger end of the con rod. The con rod joins the piston to the crank. I suspect that when they "go" you need a new crank and con rods, which I suspect is a huge job.
