Well a big end going is not actually fatal it just means lots of banging from the engine unless a bearing has wiped in which case you would know all about it loud noises and smoke and maybe big holes in the side of the engine.

A big end is a common term for the bottom bearing of the connecting rod from the pistons to the crankshaft We don't use this term on ships as the small end is 3 foot across so a bit of a useless term.

What is the car doing is it a runner or not. If it is a runner then you can drive it to a scrappy the worst that can happen is the bearings wipe and you get above mentioned big noises.

If the car is not too bad then they might just be trying to pull your leg as many garages are terrible for doing this.

If the bearings are just a bit loose then you can run with it for a while longer and if the sump can come off with the engine in place it isn't that hard to put new shells in and just put it back together. A set of shells would be about £50 it is just the fitting is an arse.

Don't claim it as a write off on your insurance as they will simply charge you the following year an even more stupid amount.

So tell us what it is doing or has done and i might have a better answer for you.

But if it is going to the great motorway in the sky then the little pug 106s are good fun cars to drive.
P.Allison fixer of big engines Mk2+Mk2a signed by God / Hacked by the Lord Aberdeen Scotland