Hey guys, was wondering if someone could translate some of this...
Looking at the definitions for the "Vorbis Comments" (in Ogg/FLAC files). The definition is as follows:
1} [vendor_legnth] = read an unsigned int of 32 bits
2} [vendor_string] = UTF-8 vector as [vendor_legnth] octets
3} [user_comment_list_legnth] = unsigned int of 32 bits
loop [user_comment_list_legnth] times:
4} [legnth] = unsigned int of 32 bits
5} [vector_data] = UTF-8 vector as [legnth] long
end loop
7} [framing bit] = signle bit as boolean
I'm not strong on bit readings.. the terminology in reference to actual usage, is cornfuzzling me, espically when I'm reading the file in a hexeditor (looking at it char-by-char.) .. Okay, so,
the first is 32 bits. That means.. what, looking at the file? At the beginning of the user data (after #2 above, I read:
07 00 00 00 0f 00 00 00
..So, I'm GUESSING that the "07 00 00 00" stands for just "7", since I have 7 comments total (TITLE, ARTIST, ALBUM, TRACKNUM, GENRE, DATE, COMMENT), then the "0f 00 00 00" is simply 15 for the first tag, which is "TITLE=Incognito".
If I'm reading that right, fine and dandy.

However, after the comments comment, I have: 81 00 0f 80 .. Do these mean anything? Can I ignore them if all I'm trying to do is grab the info?
Also, for the beginning of the "Comment" section, it reads:
Comment header logically is a list of eight-bit-clean vectors; the number of vectors is bounded to 2^32-1 and the length of each vector is limited to 2^32-1 bytes.
Uhm.. english? Is there a tag/byte sequence I can search for to find the beginning of the whole comment section??
Thanks, anyone that can shed some light.