You know Mark, you're right; wealthy people (which ironically tends to include most pro football players) do tend to also get off lightly for things. That is, sadly, the way things work in this country. The difference is that the run of the mill wealthy person isn't set up as an ideal, as someone to look up to. I don't consider football players worth looking up to. They don't seem to care about anything but their money, and to me that's a crappy role model for our kids. Not to mention the uncounted masses of "adult" males who consider these people heros.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

Just because a few non-mainstream rap artists have good messages

You know, you may want to go back and actually listen to some of those artists again. NWA had a lot to say about the abuse of power by the police. Snoop Dogg had some very unpleasant things to say about murder (ie. DON'T). Eminem....well, we like Eminem. He's kinda like the idot alarm. You can tell how smart someone is by what they think of him.

Cook on that for a bit.

And I wouldn't really consider artists like Public Enemy, Ice-T and Afrika Bambaata "non-mainstream". But hey, again, that's opinion....