Subject line says it all. You can snag it
right here.
I have done a bunch of under-the-hood stuff to this version. One of the things I did was tweak the cutoff values and gray display levels. I discovered this was necessary after I implemented the painting tools. It seems that if you tell the Windows API to perform a flood fill in 16-bit color, and the 24-bit color you're flooding falls inbetween two of the 16-bit shades, then it does its painting in a strange dither that isn't very compatible with the way my program works. So I tweaked the grays so they wouldn't dither on 16-bit video modes. Although I've only tested this on my home system, so I'd appreciate it if other folks could try it out and tell me if the middle grays look solid when they do flood fills and fat paintbrush strokes.
The readme file contains information about how to use the painting tools. Read it... Learn it... Live it...
Tomorrow, I'm going to make an official web page at my site for this program. Seeing as how it's on its feet now and everything.

After I do that, I'll update the links in the logo faq to include it. Others who wish to link to the program will be able to link to that page.
Tony Fabris