Next firefox issue:

Frequent inconsistency and unpredictability in handling of the closing paragraph of blockquotes and indented lists.

Let me say first of all, the original basic HTML-rendering behavior of putting an extra blank space after the closing of a blockquote or a list is stupid. If I wanted a blank line, I would have put a tag there to make it so, don't enforce one one me like that.

But since I know the above behavior is true, then I make sure to format my HTML so that it renders properly. I make sure to expect that blank space after the blockquote/list and work around it.

But Firefox only renders this blank space some of the time, even with identical code. Here is an example from the empeg FAQ:

Note that the HTML code is identical for both:

and if so, remove them.</li></ul>

Here are three excellent documents


Now turn the player back down before you hurt your ears.</li></ul>

In real life,

I have also seen this happen with the blockquotes used for the <q> tag here on the BBS. Frequently it will happen within the same post: Someone will quote somebody twice in the same post, and it'll render two different ways.

In IE, all instances render consistently and identically with the blank line coming after the close of the indented section.

This is just a really sloppy and irritating bug. And if I recall correctly, this bug has been around since the Netscape days. I can't believe they haven't fixed it after all these years.

204429-blockquoterender.gif (185 downloads)

Tony Fabris