So, just to get this straight, you want an ordinary web browser to make an SSL request of a server, except that server is really a man-in-the-middle that will unencrypt the data, record it, make a new request with the same data to the real server via SSL, receive the response unencrypt and record that, then reencrypt to send back to the browser via the original SSL connection.

I think you're going to have to find an 31337 hacker board for that.

So, when you do write it yourself, keep in mind that you're going to have to do some serious hacking to get the SSL certificates working for you. You're going to have to have the browser know that it's connecting to the proxy, essentially, which may well be in the realm of what you're trying to do, if it's just for test purposes, and you're not trying to intercept real-world communication.

Of course, if you're in control of the ultimate web server they're attaching to, then you have that server's private SSL key, so you ought to be able to decrypt that communication if you recorded it with a sniffer. Then again, I suppose it's possible that you might need the browser's private key, too, if that's how HTTPS works (I forget).
Bitt Faulk