open garage door automatically, based on SSL or SSH autentication...
Based on being in range to contacting your home AP, right? What happens when you're on your way from the post office to the grocery store and drive by your house? You might want to add some audible feedback "Garage door now openning". To which you say "Crap!" and push the button to close it, but you get no audible confirmaition from your old-school garage door opener. Then you start to wonder... does my WLAN have a longer range than my garage door openner? Maybe it didn't work.

While cool for the geek factor, it may need some ironing out. Perhaps you can select from a menu when you start your car and choose from a list of frequent destinations where you're going. Then it will only open your garage door in the case that you've selected {Home} as your destination.
--The Amigo