Does anyone know of some established, detailed listing of Empeg player software features? If such a list exists, then a survey of whether each feature is essential, used frequently, used infrequently, or not used, would be a great thing.

Anything missing from the following list?

-Navigational, hierarchical playlists.
-Replace, Insert, Enqueue, Append playlists/tracks to running order.
-Search by title, artist, year, album; and Replace, Insert, Enqueue, Append the result to running order.
-Select next track to be of same title, artist, album, year.
-Discard all remaining tracks in running order that match current title, artist, album, year.
-Flags and Filters.
-Criteria weighted shuffling.
-Info modes used: track, now & next, seek tool, transient, line, transient.
-Customization of individual portions of info modes (i.e., time display).
-Sound control: volume, loudness, balance, fader, equalization. (these would be used by users that control these things via Empeg rather than by a head unit with the same features)