My first post to this forum. I just discovered it through a cross-link from a Usenet posting. Very exciting -- people who know the Dell DAR I have. Hi Hugo, Rob and all the people from Empeg and the Empeg forum. My Mark 1 Empeg #00257 is still going strong in my M-class truck. Back to the Audio Receiver ... I've had the Dell 1.03 version software running on a Win2K Pro server with no problems, but all my music is stored on a separate Win2K server which is running 24/7. (The Win2K Pro machine is only turned on when it has to, and mounts the music partition as a share.) I'm finding that the the DAR won't connect to the daemon running on Win2K Server (red flag) even though the daemon can see the DAR (shows its MAC address in the dialog box.) Dell was useless on helping me with this, and until I found this forum I thought I was going to have to put the box in the closet. Do you have any idea why Win2K Pro works as a PC host for the Audio Manager software, but a similarly equipped Win2K server won't connect? Both PCs have static addresses. I've tried re-initializing the box with the on-off-on-off reset, but it doesn't make any difference. Thanks in advance for any relevant information. Once I can get this working on Win2K Server, then I'll work on some more questions and observations. -Gary

-- Gary Goldberg
Digital Marketing Inc. Bowie, MD US 301/249-6501