Maybe you and Mark should grab a cup of coffee, put on some nice music and take a few minutes to actually read the posts you're commenting on. Then, before replying, take another few minutes to digest what is being said.

I both read the posts I am replying to, and try to reply with the original post in mind.

I have never argued, or even implied, that I believe people should not have written to the Guardian saying they disagreed with what the Guardian was doing. What I disagree with, and the sort of behavior that makes me feel ashamed, is that people seem to be unable (for the most part) to do so without ending with a comment like "And by the way, brush your fscking teeth you limey bastards".

Here is your original quote (2nd post in this thread):

Once again, the comments made by my countrymen make me ashamed to be American.

This is why I responded with this comment (directly below your post):

I think the vast majority of people who recieved e-mails from across the pond either a) ignored them, b) politely declined the advice given (this is what I would do), or c) the e-mail was caught in their spam filter and deleted. The people who responded with offensive comments are going to be the loudmouth redneck types who are not representative of Americans as a whole.

My point: Being ashamed to be an American because of those comments published insults the majority of Americans (like myself) who would not make such comments (and indeed, look down on those who do). I may be embarassed that someone from the same country as myself could say such things, but I am never ashamed to be an American.
Mark Cushman