Tony, how can he tell if the thing is successfully downloading a kernel or not?
I can't imagine a situation where the kernel flash would fail yet still give a smiley face. That smiley face only appears when upload.exe successfully sent every packet and got every proper receipt handshake in return.
Now, that doesn't mean it thinks the kernel file was a good kernel. It never examines the kernel file or does any sort of validation on its contents. You could send it a JPG of Claudia Schiffer and it would still give you the happy face.
Which is why I wanted to make certain he downloaded it with a browser that never inserts CRLFs into the downloaded files. (The Netscape-family browsers when run on the Windows platform sometimes will do that on a binary file if the server's MIME types aren't set right. They're doing the correct thing according to spec, and IE is deliberately breaking spec in that case, but at least it never inserts CRLFs into a binary file.)