That's great that you're switching too, Rob. I ditched TMobile a few months back, and I'm very happy. I didn't go with Cingular at the time, because they had crap coverage. The only problem I see with the merger is that I've heard bad things about Cingular's phone support and the same about AT&T. Sprint has given me fantastic support over the phone.
Anyway, I don't think I could be much happier with the reception I get with Sprint. In my observations, every place that I had good reception with TMobile has been the same or better with Sprint, and I've gotten
full reception with Sprint in places where I got
no reception with TMobile. My TMobile phone seemed to only get good reception if you were within a mile of the tower with no hills or trees in the way. With Sprint I've gotten reception pretty much anywhere but places where you wouldn't really expect to get service, like parking garages (although I get great reception in the garage under the Kennedy Center).
The Mythbusters should see if they can bring down an airliner with a cell phone.
They could definitely test that myth. It's not like the myth requires them to be in the air to test it, and they've been to plane graveyards before. I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem getting airliner parts they could test this on.