All my Acorn machines are still running and are still stable - Acorn kit seems as reliable as Sun kit to me.

My RiscPC is completely stable under RiscOS but sig11s under load in Linux. I'm sure Linux is just stressing it more.

I will concede that there are strong merits to using Sun kit, especially the coolness factor You'd have to go pretty far back in time to find a Sun box with a 70W PSU, though

Only fairly new Suns (Ultra 5 and newer? newer than any of mine, anyway) have IDE (or PCI for adding it). And 70W PSU isn't really the issue -- it's not like it draws 70W the whole time. A 150W PSU with a load of 40W isn't going to draw much more current than a 70W PSU with a load of 40W, especially if its fans are on thermostats.
