
You can use Lacie Biggerdisk gear to get your two drive boxes down to one.

The Biggerdisk (or even the Bigdisk) seems to be the best looking and most efficient way of putting >1 drive into a single external enclosure. The drawback is that I don't think I can get it bare, so I may be spending more that way than just finding some ugly 2 drive USB box.

And it wouldn't surprise me if there were next to no electronics in an NSLU2, and you could mount it inside the Biggerdisk somehow.

The other 2 drive USB boxes I've seen are big, ugly things that take up as much more space than you'd think two drives would. The space probably has something to do with a power supply, but it seems like there would be plenty of room to mount NSLU2 guts into one of those...

...and think about getting Sonos boxes (http://www.sonos.com)

Um. Whoa.

I hadn't seen that one yet. So, uh, yeah.

There's the slight little problem that I don't have a couple thousand dollars to actually put these where'd I'd want them, but I'd like to get over that if possible. This causes me to rethink what's even possible on the presentation/playing side, and even if I don't buy it, I'll now look at all other solutions in a slightly different light.