This guy also did acupuncture. Why not give that a try ?
Now, normally, I would NEVER have even considered it

Being thoroughly inculcated with Western medical concepts, Fred was fully aware that sticking needles in his feet wasn't going to fix his back -- so when the acupuncturist indicated to him to get up, the treatment was done, imagine Fred's amazement to find the pain was gone.

I can absolutely agree with that, cause I experienced the very same thing. I had severe stomach cramps, and that guy was poking needles in my feet, legs, arms, ears and a few in my back. What good could that do to my stomach ? But all I can say is that it worked.
It's true : if you've been used to traditional western medicine for your whole life, this seems very weird. It was weird for me too (still is!). But I was like : "ok, let's give this a try, I've got nothing to loose here" (but really not believing myself that it would do any good). But after a few sessions I could conclude that this guy had already helped me more than all those other traditional doctors combined. So I was sorta "forced" to have a more open mind towards this stuff, because I was proven first-hand that it worked.
I still don't understand even half of it, but I must admit that I'm very intrigued by it. I fully plan to learn a bit more about it when I get the chance, and when I have a bit more time on my hands.
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