I still have my commodore 128 complete with boxes and boxes of games. I still have the light pen (The only thing I used 128 mode for) and the koala pad. Have the EPYX sport controller, FastLoad cartrige, and dual 1571 high speed floppy drives. The only problem is that some time during my high school years, while all that stuff was safely stored in the attic, lightning struck out house and the resulting EMI was enough to completely wipe all my floppies. So the only thing I can do with it is play Choplifter and Jumpman Jr (they were the only 2 game cartridges) and play around with peek and poke.

Apparently I was a rich kid since I had the Timex Sinclair with 16k of memory, although I never got far past making those silly birds with special characters that appeared to fly.

After the Sinclair, I graduated to the VIC-20 with a -=GASP=- tape recorder to load and save games and stuff.

Jumped straight to the C-128 and spen quite a few years there.

Next was my 486-SX 25 with the kick-ass 80 Meg HDD.

Man, those were the days when computers were fun. Now all I get to see are broken ones, which isn't NEARLY as fun.

Come on, all.

load "*",8,1

poke 53281,1
poke 53280,1

Gawd, when I was typing the load command my fingers actually went to the shift-2 before I caught myself.
