so when I renamed it .bin myself I didn't need to OK got it. Thanks. I've tried it w/o the player in 'DC Car mode' & it still works. I installed v444 (using LogoEdit 1.7) back again & am having trouble again w/Hyperterminal saying 'unable to open com port'. If Hyperterminal does connect it won't go into 'shell prompt'.
Update-I still have v.444 on the player & am having trouble getting Logo Edit 1.7 or Hyperterminal to connect, I get 'com port error' on Logo Edit or 'unable to open com port' error in Hyperterminal.
Update-OK I have Hijack v.439 back on my player after using Emplode to reinstall devoloper v.2.00 on player then Logo Edit to install Hijack. Hyperterminal connects w/no problem to shell. Somewhere I'm missing a switch or something along the changes in Hijack versions or something. Any help w/that?

Edited by Snowshoe (23/01/2006 02:30)