God forbid you even think about driving after drinking said beer. You will be flamed. Did I just say God? I must be some churchy kook and must be flamed. Did I just call churchy people kooks? Now I really must be flamed!

Come on, it is not that bad. Though, we sometimes are too sensitive to 'flames' - are loud arguments not common among friends? One is cooly polite towards strangers, no?

Perhaps I am not as fired up about new developments as I used to, but it was very extiting to see that Patrick's memory board and Marks "raw partition hack" together with new high capacity disks will finally let me have all of my collection on my empeg, as guys@empeg intended.

I will never sell my spare (I am more likely to buy more); perhaps I might give or lend it to some friend of mine. And I am probably finally coming to The Meet.

Otherwise, I mostly agree.
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue