carpal tunnel
Registered: 20/12/1999
Posts: 31614
Loc: Seattle, WA
Quote: Half Life 2 isn't really discussed or featured, so I'm guessing it can't do 16x9.
Yes it can, I've played it at 1920x1080, 960x540, and any number of other widescreen resolutions on my HDTV.
If the resolutions are available in your windows display properties, HL2 simply offers those resolutions in its configuration screen.
Sometimes the trick is getting windows to offer you that resolution, but HL2 does not limit its resolutions. It Does The Right Thing, too, setting the proper FOV and moving the icons and such into the proper places on the screen. Looks freaking fantastic.
There are also the command-line options -width xxx -height xxx -window -full, but none of those do any good unless that exact rez is available in the Windows Display Properties. If you try to use -width and -height for fullscreen, and those rezzes are not available to Windows, then it will drop out with an error message.
You can, however, run it in a window of any size regardless of the available display rezzes. I actually do this when playing on my HDTV because it's got 5 percent overscan and I want to see all the edges of the playfield. So I make a -window that is a bit smaller than the full 1920x1080 screen, so it fits exactly within the overscan area.
Here is another good resource on widescreen gaming: Tiger Dave.