I would also consider checking your hard drives. Look into the event viewer, system subection, for ATAPI timeouts. And, download ant SMART tester sw. I've been using SmartDefender by Ontrack/IBM/Hitachi, but it seems it is not any more available for download. Hitachi's website suggests to download one of the many others freeware/shareware products available, but I don't have any name right now to recommend.

I don't see any ATAPI timeouts, but when I crashed this morning, I think this is the msg I got on the event viewer...

Error code 000000fe, parameter1 00000005, parameter2 830160e0, parameter3 10330035, parameter4 82b28830.

Anyone know how to interpret that?

I also get:

The LINKSYS WAP11 USB Device Driver service failed to start due to the following error:
The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.

But I cannot find a service that looks like it has anything to do with a LINKSYS device... Probably in the registry, eh?

- Jon