Hi All,

I've been thinking about this all day. It's helped to read all the opinions and advice on here for sure.

I thought about calling Hertz, but I believe that they'd persue restitution with my friend as he's the one they had a contract with and he's ultimately responsible for the car. I think it would be up to him to try and recover whatever damages he (or the insurance through our company) would be responsible for... Since he's based in
Sydney, this would just be difficult for him to do.

Cops? I really think this would be bad for me ultimately. 1) To be honest, I think that this woman wields more power than I do within the courts and with the cops. She most probably will figure out how to skate, and then all I've done is created a real enemy and made our co-existence much more difficult. 2) The cops really won't care much and 3) My friend doesn't have any actual damages - Hertz did, and they aren't persuing it. (yet?)

I told the HOA about the situation, and the lawyer was unhappy that I did that. I also feel that she has been s-ing the proverbial brick today do to her guilty feeling and concern for her career/position in the building/community/law firm/etc. I really am feeling that she HAS paid in some ways for what she has done.

So I think I need to put this ugly event behind me and move on. It was an interesting experience for sure, and I learned a lot about this woman and what she is really made of. I know that I've FELT like keying a car based on what the DRIVER did behind the wheel. To me, if someone is a total prick behind the wheel, they may deserve that kind of punishment, even though under most circumstances, I wouldn't do it.

In this situation, her aggression about the annoying security system was directed towards the car, when the owner had nothing to do with the problem. It's not as if he could have done something to resolve it, or that he set out to piss people off. The aggression may have helped her to feel less frustrated, but it was absolutely without excuse, no matter how you slice it.

Sorry for the ramble. Hope I made some sense.

- Jon