I know that some of the errors are okay, and I would expect them under your current situation. What did you want your end result to be? A one drive player with the new drive in it? A dual drive player with the old drive as the master and the new drive as the slave? Let me know what you want the final configuration to be, and I will try to step you through it. Example: new 40GB master, old 10GB slave.

I think I am getting confused, because I am counting at least four drives in play (possibly five) throughout your thread.

Also, is there any music on the old drive(s) that you wish to save and do not have backed up? Not that any of the steps are lethal to the old data if we are careful, but I want to make sure of it before we go on.

Edited by pgrzelak (04/02/2006 11:24)
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs