Well succes

on partitioning & formatting the new new drive not the old new drive, Emplode shows a total of 67G now. I used the Rio instead of the Empeg since the display fuse I soldered had a cold joint & needs resoldering. Thanks a lot Paul for the step by step help I know it must've been frustrating trying to help someone who doesn't really understand whats behind the steps needed but can follow them.
Now I do have one more ?
I noticed on a post/FAQ? somewhere that you can't swap drives back & forth from a Empeg to a Rio. Is this still true or is there a work around? For my original plan was to put the new drive in the Empeg. If I was to fill this drive w/music/playlists in the Rio could I have the same music/playlists in the Empeg when the drive is switched over or would I have to just get a new drive for the Empeg as well?