Reminds me of poutine -- that great Canadian sensation that's often been described as a heart attack on a plate. I've also had a variety of mayonaise and fries combinations in Belgium.

Meanwhile, huitlachoche is actually quite tasty. If you have no trouble eating mushrooms, you'd have no trouble with huitlachoche.

I agree with earlier sentiments that mayonaise and ketchup tend to be disgusting. About the only sandwich that I'll allow anywhere near mayo is something that has tuna fish or chicken salad. Otherwise, it's mustard all the way. I put mustard on my fries as well. I've developed quite a distaste for ketchup, regardless of what you put it on. Instead, most anywhere you might put ketchup, I'll put hot sauce instead. About the only times I violate my hatred of mayo on fries is when I've visited Belgium. You won't get too far there if you try to avoid the mayo.

I think we can't properly discuss disgusting food without mentioning the wide world of canned meat products, ranging from the familiar spam to far uglier things like head cheese. I'm similar unexcited about things made from pork skin, whether it's chicharrones or pork rinds. Yuck.