I think something may be broken.

Previously I was running v450 with the config file attached. SaveAux and RestoreSrc were working for me (most of the time), and it was pretty cool.

A few hours ago I installed v452 and changed my config to:


Things were not right. Switching sources was not working. If you were in Player when the phone rings it would not switch to Aux, and it would switch to Tuner on hangup. It would not sleep on hangup if it was woken by the phone - and when woken by the phone it would not switch to Aux.

I tried to break it down. I tried just the new features to see whether it would Wake and Sleep correctly, forget switching to the correct source. I tried this:


I got a hijack config error. I should have double checked my config.ini file, but I admit that I did not.

Anyway. I put back the original config file (as attached) that I was using with v450. SaveAux and RestoreSrc were not working - the Empeg did not switch to Aux when in Player with the phone ringing, and on hangup it would switch to Tuner.

I downgraded to Hijack v451 and had the same problem.

Downgraded back to v450 (without touching the config.ini file) and it is all working as before.

While I've been messing about, I had been editing the config.ini file with vi over Telnet. A couple of times I used Jemplode instead because it was a bit faster (running rwm in the shell takes a while). I loaded v452 with Jemplode, and downgraded to v451 and v450 with Tony's Logo Editor. I may still be doing something wrong, I'm not sure.

279618-config.ini (181 downloads)

Edited by sein (09/04/2006 17:57)