I'm running a program called "Selecter" at boot-up. Depending on which button I press, It sends an IOCTL to RJlov's volume adjustment kernel. I can choose to turn voladj on and off, and choose between two different degrees of compression.

The only problem with "Selecter" is that there's no on-screen feedback, you just have to know what buttons to press and when.

I saw some other programs at the owner's meet which did boot-up selections, and they had great on-screen displays. Were any of these capable of sending an IOCTL? Can anyone help me set up one of these to replace Selecter in my init?

Note: I'm not sure how selecter communicates with the kernel, other than to know that it uses an IOCTL. I don't even know what an IOCTL is (perhaps it's the linux equivalent of a DDE message?), or what information is contained in the message from selecter.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris