Thanks everyone for all your help on this. I'm now able to use either Frank's "Blitmenu" or Rex Perkins' "Picker" to select the staus of the volume adjustment kernel. For my purposes, Picker is the software I'll be using to do the actual selecting, but I'm still using Frank's Getkey and of course Frank's Voladj ioctl sender in the process. Frank, you're amazing, whipping up that little program for us so quickly. Thanks again.

I'm now working on making a little .zip file that includes a "for dummies" instruction set for anyone who wants to try this.

I have a question, though:

One of the files I'm including will be a replacement init. I'd like to have the replacement init include "displayserver -noauth" by default. If I do this, will it lock up a player that doesn't include displayserver? Or will it just print an error to the console and keep going?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris