Can you point me to the info on manually rebuilding the databases?

That was the thing you linked.

Mlord suggested a corrupt tag in an earlier post but how do I get rid of them?

If in fact that's the problem (no guarantee it is, but what the hay)...

You would figure out which song file has a corrupt tag then delete both of its corresponding FIDs from your player's hard disk.

I don't know an easy way of how to locate which track has a corrupt tag. Assuming that your song files were copied to the player pretty much straight from your PC's hard disk (and you didn't modify the tags on the empeg), and assuming you still have the song files on your PC's hard disk, then you can browse through them there and look for things with garbage in their tags.

You should tend to look at files you added to the player recently, first. You should also first concentrate on files that you got off the internet, before moving on to files you ripped yourself.

It's also possible that the problem is a corrupt song file and not just a tag with garbage data in it. In that case, your search repair method would be similar.

In either case, after removing the offending files, you would manually rebuild the database using the steps at the FAQ entry you just linked. Make sure you do those steps ultra carefully, pasting each line into the terminal program directly from the FAQ so you don't mistype anything.
Tony Fabris