.... Your best bet is to check everything listed in the FAQ about troubleshooting the drives. From the sound of it, you have already done so. But the fact that the disk (or disks) are not showing up at boot is the critical factor here...
Yeah pgrzelak, i read the damn thing back and forth even got me a huge magnifier from my grandma to look at all components 
Still nothing. I just installed the car2-builder.upgrade just to see if that does any good but no luck.
So basically that means:
- Cable could be broken, allthough it looks good.
- Hard Drive(s) damaged and wont work, but they spin up and run.
- IDE Header fault. Now what could i do about that to make sure its not the problem?
EDIT: Err... cancel that last one, wasnt quite sure what that was again. But since its the connector for the cable, it looks fine (Thanks grandma :P)
Edited by OpInfo (11/07/2006 13:41)
Mk2 serial number 90000847, 50GB