Now you've got me worried...

Don't worry, there's no reason to assume you're in any danger. No one else has reported this sort of problem.

Here's what I see as being the possibilities right now:

1) It was a 1.1 alpha bug. In which case, you don't need to worry at all as it'll be fixed before you get your hands on it. I doubt it had anything to do with 1.1 alpha, but if it turns out that it did, then I would feel REALLY embarassed about asking for help on the BBS.

2) It was a hardware problem with my disk drive which manifested itself in an unusual way. Nothing can be done to prevent that, and there's no reason to assume you'd be affected.

3) Something about my custom "picker" init mounted the drives wrong. Does anyone see any reason why that would cause this error when FSCKing? Note: my RWM fiddling caused emplode to do an FSCK on more than one occasion, and this didn't happen until just a couple of days ago. For reference, here is my custom init. Anyone see anything wrong with that?

4) I was running Displayserver. Perhaps it had a memory leak that caused FSCK to screw up? Unlikely, as there are many, many people running Displayserver and no one else has reported this problem.

I can just see the e-mail from Rob now: "Perhaps you should just run a default install of 1.1 while you're alpha testing." Hmm. Not a bad idea.

Oh well, I could do with a reorg of my songs - unfortunately they're no longer on my desktop harddrive but on CDRs, so it'd be a fair bit of work.

Fortunately, I keep all my songs on the desktop hard disk, too, so it's not a huge problem to reload my music. I've done it once before, it's not that big of a deal.

The only hard-to-replace things I lose when I reformat the hard disk are EQ settings (which I've just written down), and the track listings for some of my "mood" playlists. In the case of 1.1Alpha, I also happen to have lost my Wendy Filters, but you guys didn't hear me say that.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris