Yes she kept all her teeth, Yep, she's completely fine now. The reason it was done was not cosmetic, just so you know, she was having trouble eating beforehand. Her teeth just didn't match up. Not even close.

I should mention that at the time she had her surgery, I was working at the hospital where it was done. I was working in patient transport so when her ticket came across to move her to a room, I grabbed it. When I walked into post-op, I walked down the row of 6 beds, looking for my sister. At the end of the row I turned around and walked back. After walking the row a third time picked up charts and started reading the names. Her face had changed THAT MUCH. Not to mention the usual swelling and pallor one would expect. It took a while, but now I can't remember what she looked like before the surgery, unless I look at pictures.