Just ftp it, chmod it, and run it, all from within ftp:I had already installed it the "hard" way with hyperterminal, but this would be useful for someone who hasn't done it yet.
Just a few notes about doing it with ftp:
You'll need to have ftp.exe on your computer, and in the
same directory as the ftp.exe file, you'll need to have the fidsift.sh file.
You will need to know the actual ip address of your empeg. This may change from time to time if you are using DHCP in your network connection and you change some piece of hardware or the way it is connected.
To use Mark's batch file to run the fidsift script (not
install and run) just delete the "put..." and the "chmod..." lines. It actually shouldn't hurt anything if you leave them in -- it'll just overwrite the existing fidsift file each time.
Thanks, Mark -- this is pretty much how I remember my file taxi batch file working.
I just added a song to my player to test to see if fidsift improved the database rebuild time. I was a bit disappointed -- it still takes fully one third as long as it used to, I was hoping for instantaneous.

Now that all those fidsift directories are created, will subsequent running of fidsift go faster, or will it recreate them all from scratch? I rarely add more music to my player (other than "Car Talk" every week) since it has been a long time since Mozart had any new hits, so in any case I won't have to run fidsift very often.