Best situation I ever had was a private office. It is horribly frustrating when I am deep in thought and some conversation (even work related) bursts out around me and I am distracted.
Amen to that, brother.
While I think that there are various cases to be made for "open plan" versus more private offices, it has been my observation over time that the interest in open plan is biased toward the interests of management to save money.
So, while I think there can be a case to be made for more open configurations, I am always a bit skeptical WRT motives.
I always remember a hard-charging ex-Marine telco manager in Portland: Nobody gets an office!!!!! Except me!!! 
Oh, cruel world, if ever there is a degree of uncertainty, I would be pleased if you can err on the side of giving me an office. I am tired of that asshole's humming!
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.