So, how do you put your personality across in posts on a BBS?

I guess this sort of defines my personality...

1) I take my time writing a post. I have the "I want to preview..." box checked, and I don't think I have ever submitted a post that did not get edited and updated in preview.*

2) Before submitting, I specifically check my post to reduce the likelihood of inadvertantly offending readers. There have been a few occasions when I have been mildly antagonistic, but in those cases there was nothing inadvertant about it.

3) I always preface my post with an orange-italic reference to clarify just what it is to which I am responding.

4) I try not to post unless I have something useful to say, except for the times when I engage in feeble attempts at humor.

*Including this one!

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"