Really a question for Derek, but I thought it would be beneficial for everyone else, too. I've moved away from my favorite radio station, CD101 in Columbus. I can stream the station over the internet, it doesn't sound TOO bad, good enough for background music. If I do really critical listening, I usually get the CD and listen to it that way. I mainly use CD101 to find new music that I like.

Currently I'm using the web-based "listen live" link on the website which launches an ad window with an embedded application/x-mplayer2 stream. I have the mplayer plugin for Firefox (I'm running Ubuntu) and it will play for me but I don't see any title or track info for the stream. Is there a better way to stream the audio on Linux? Any other streams I should look into? I would love to get NPR also.

Edited by cushman (29/11/2006 14:05)
Mark Cushman