The only other question I had for the people posting in this thread is this: who thinks that the iPhone indicates a possible new platform for the iPod-only line? Is it a preview of the 6G iPod?

I think that goes without saying.

Personally, if forced to develop a taxonomy of Apple products, I would be likely to place the iPhone in the iPod family (or genus ). I think when the 6G comes out, we'll find that it's more or less an iPhone without the e-mail / web / telephony features.

I'm with you, though... When the 6G comes out looking like this (and I have no doubts that is exactly what will happen), I'll buy it so fast the clerk at the Apple store's head will spin. My iPod (5G) still has plenty of life in it, but luckily SWMBO is very supportive of my gadget fetish.