Put me in for one, assuming the price stays under $300

Alvin just showed me some preliminary pricing which seems to indicate prices will be about $8 to $16 higher, so it would be about $268 to $276.


1-MarkM (2)
2-Mach (2)
3-caseyse (2)
4-juenk (1)
5-EtN (1)
6-music (1)
7-jarob10 (1)
8-JimHogan (1)
9-TigerJimmy (1)
10-brabax22 (1)
11-pgrzelak (2?)
12-gbeer (1)
13-iank (1?)
14-thirdeyevision (1?)
15-julf (1)
16-mtempsch (1)
17-andy (1)
18-matthew_k (1)
If you want it to break, buy Sony!