8GB CF card here is an example Only

PLUS a free CF-IDE Adapter

New 16 GB CF Compact Flash Memory Card

**** Attn customers: Please make sure your camera support 16GB capacity, some camera may require firmware upgrade to support 16GB capacity *****

Sounds like a single 16Gb CF card with a free IDE adapter to me

I know eBay has its share of villains - but I think we sometimes forget just how little some of this stuff costs back at the source.

I'm just watching them and using the amazing jbidwatcher to track and snipe on every single CF card on eBay. And using it's great multisnipe feature it will only buy one of them!

Seriously cool bit of GPL java software that runs on Linux (and Windows ).

It's saved me a fortune.
LittleBlueThing Running twin 30's