Matt, I like most of the shows you mentioned. But since I've already included those in other threads I didn't want to list them all again.
Yes, I like the three shows I mentioned and some of that is personal taste. But there's no arguing on technical merits where the production value, set design, location shooting, camera work, direction, writing and acting are all very much above par. All three shows were big-screen A-grade motion picture quality in every aspect and detail.
For instance I think the technical aspects of Smallville are pretty good. But I just can't get into the show. I wouldn't include it in what I'd call a list of crap. Same goes for Veronica Mars. I've heard really good things about it. I just don't watch it. I doubt however its audience is as big as The Black Donnellys was - it's just not on one of the big networks, therefore it survives. If it were an NBC show it wouold have been gone a long time ago.
I'll chime in on Andy Barker though... I've watched two episodes so far and I'm still questioning whether to remove it from my record list. It's not as enjoyable as Andy Richter's previous shows. It has some moments, but I'm picking up a lot more Conan humor than Andy's in this. And I think Andy is generally a LOT funnier than Conan.
And again the reason I mention reality TV is because that's what they're replacing a lot of these shows with. The Real Wedding Crashers is supposed to come in on Monday nights. They already have Deal or No Deal that was leading into The BD.
I view TV much the same way I view forums. So much crap and so little cream. No one can argue that empegBBS stands head and shoulders above the majority of internet forums running today. Thats why I can post stuff like this in here without it turning into a screaming match of little girls.