Actually, they were killed off due to bad fan reaction.

From the Lostpedia article on Nikki:
According to an Entertainment Weekly article, Nikki and Paulo were originally supposed to be part of a longer storyarc, with one episodes having its flashbacks devoted to Nikki's fictional TV show, Exposé, to end with a surprise twist (presumably revealing that those "flashbacks" were merely part of a TV show Nikki was acting in). Faced with the negative fan backlash to the two characters' abrupt introduction, however, the producers, already facing declining ratings for the show, decided back in December 2006 to trim down the storyarc and kill off the two characters in a single episode.

I think that this is bad juju. Once you start writing your show to appease the whims of the fans, you compromise your story enough that it really starts to go downhill. It's the bellwether for jumping the shark.

Edited by wfaulk (18/05/2007 16:13)
Bitt Faulk