- unzip the install.sh.gz file ( you can use winzip )
I guess this doesn't need any explanation
- copy the install.sh file to the empeg ( use binary mode when using ftp )
connect empeg through the serial cable to your pc
start hyperterminal (start->programs->accessories->communications)
create a new connection and name it "empeg"
when windows comes with a dialog which asks to connect, click cancel
in the menubar choose File->properties
A new window will open with two tabs : "connect to" & "settings"
in the "connect to" tab, choose the serial port to use "COM1/COM2",
then click on configure
set the following values :

Bits per second : 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None

Close the properties window by clicking OK
Close the tabbed window by clicking OK
Now click on the phone icon; a connection will be made
reboot your empeg; boot messages should appear in hyperterminal
after bootup is complete, press "q" a couple of times to get a shell prompt
a shell prompt looks like this:

type the following ( [ENTER] is pressing the ENTER-key) :
# rw[ENTER]

# cd /tmp[ENTER]

In hyperterminal, in the menubar, select "transfer->send file..."
Select the unzipped install.sh file and Zmodem as the transfer protocol
click send to send the file to the empeg

- make the install.sh file executable ( chmod +x install.sh )

type the following in hyperterm :
# chmod +x install.sh[ENTER]

- run the install.sh file on the empeg ( ./install.sh )
# ./install.sh[ENTER]

- answer the questions asked
Just pressing ENTER at the questions will take the default settings
- cd to the install-dir
# cd /usr/local/displayserver[ENTER]

- start display server : ./displayserver
Not really neccesary;if you've setup for automatic startup, you could just pull the plug and reboot your empeg and everything should work fine.
To start immediately :
# ./displayserver[ENTER]

- open your web-browser
No comment
- give URL : http://[ip-address of your empeg]
Assuming you have connected it through ethernet also
- userid : ttt password: ttt
This gets asked the first time you open the web-page
- off you go
Did it regularly, still going off once in a while

Frank van Gestel
Frank van Gestel