Mmm.. maybe for MSIE we should simply lay the VFD image on top of the fascia,
and use a GIF instead of PNG for the fascia.
And keep it the other way around for Firefox, where everything works.
Ugh. no really good solution without needing multiple sets of files, though.
Meanwhile, here (attached) is my updated default.xsl.
I've removed the currently-playing info and next/pause/prev buttons,
since the ones on player front panel image can do that (and more).
I've also bumped the refresh rate up to 8X/second,
and managed to keep it from getting stuck when the player
can't keep up (that part took *hours* to figure out).
It can actually go faster than 8X/second if you want,
giving a pretty near to real-time effect.
To go along with this, I've also updated Hijack again (and again),
to boost the webserver priority when serving /proc/ files.
The results are a lot of fun!
299362-default.xsl (636 downloads)
Edited by mlord (17/05/2007 21:01)