Wow, version 1 and 2 always sounded pretty darn gapless to me.

Version 2 would play two adjacent songs right up against each other as best it could. The instant one song was done playing, the next one would start playing. That's probably your definition of gapless.

But to truly play "Dark Side of the Moon" (the ultimate litmus test for gapless playback), that's not enough. To play *truly* gapless (no "blips" when playing Dark Side of the Moon) requires that the software work around the limitations of the MP3 format, and it must deliberately dovetail the "holes" at the beginning and end of each MP3 file, and perhaps even do a tiny bit of crossfading. I'm not sure exactly how 3.0 handles this task, but I know they worked on it. (One of the empeg team explained it elsewhere on this BBS, anyone got a link?)

As far as I know, the empeg is the only player that even *tries* to handle it. Well, the only one that tries to handle it on-the-fly. The ipod does it these days, but it only does it via some special trickery on the server-side in iTunes, it doesn't try to do it on-the-fly. Anyone else know of any other gapless players these days?
Tony Fabris