Well I have attempted to install v3, went fine. I managed to connect with hyperterminal and rebuild the DB, so that it boots up fine. Then I tried to connect with jemplode to remove all my music and start over. This is where problems arose. First I somehow ended up with about 10MB of orphaned MP3's on there. They don't show up on the player under any playlist, but when I connect with Jemplode I see them under the ALL node. I tried to select them and delete them and resync, but it always dies about half way through the sync. I can't seem to get rid of these files or get my empeg to a clean state where I can try to add all my songs.

Is there some way using hyperterminal to completely clean out the old databases and files to start clean?

Otherwise I guess I will have to go back to 2.01 and use Emplode to setup the music I want and only after that switch back to V3.
