The Bluetooth firmware might not be part of the standard firmware update you can do over over the internet. I know my old SE P900 wouldn't update certain portions of the firmware like the GSM controller and Bluetooth module unless I went to a service center to get them to do it for me.

I'm pretty sure it covers everything in Nokias, but what you are suggesting would make some sense to prevent people installing a version that mightn't work in their country. That said though, the phones are supposed to roam so all versions should work in all countries with respect to GSM/UMTS/HSPDA etc.

I reflashed my phone.... and so far nothing seems to have changed/improved other than the version number in the 'About' box.

I take it you saw this or similar which lists the differences?
#40104192 120Gb (no longer in my E36 M3, won't fit the E46 M3)